Monday, July 24, 2006

What happened to physical requirements for cops?

Overweight Melbourne Police Officer

Overweight Melbourne motorcycle Police

There was a day when the physical requirements to become and remain a Police Officer where tough.

What happened to those requirements?

The Police Force of today, especially the motorcycle units are out of shape. These Officers used to be proud and ride tall. Today they are overweight and sloppy looking. I have seen Officers that I know would be out of breath after chasing an alleged criminal 1 block. The Police Force used to be well trained and in top physical condition like that of the Armed Forces.
I find it ridiculous to see a Police Officer have to pull up his trousers after dismounting his motorcycle or deporting from his vehicle. I also see it as a loss of respect from the general public as well as the officers themselves. I truly believe that there is a need to reinstate a more stringent physical requirement for a law enforcement officer. If they cannot meet these requirements, then they need to be removed from the force until such time as they can.

The police chief needs to take a closer look at his unit and the officer should take a look at himself in the mirror. We need to reinstall a respect in our Police Department, but they certainly need to start within the department by respecting themselves.

It’s difficult to feel protected by someone that could not complete a simple obstacle course.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, seriously! I could probably roll away on my heelys faster than that guy could run ;)
